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Filme de Cable com Josh Brolin precisa acontecer, diz quadrinista

Por meio do Instagram, o quadrinista e co-criador de Deadpool e Cable, Rob Liefeld, revelou desejar que este último ganhe um filme solo estrelado por Josh Brolin.

Brolin interpretou Cable em Deadpool 2, mas também é conhecido por ter vivido o Thanos na saga dos Vingadores.

“Minha esperança é que o Marvel Studios lance um dos seus filhos favoritos, Josh, bem como um dos seus personagens mais populares em uma franquia solo mais cedo ou mais tarde. Como personagem, Cable superou qualquer quadrinho do Dr. Estranho, Homem-Formiga, Viúva Negra, Os Eternos e até mesmo Homem de Ferro”, disse.

“É um viajante do tempo, pronto para histórias maiores de sua rica mitologia. Falei em várias ocasiões com Josh sobre o interesse em explorar a complexidade do Cable. Só ele pode dizer se vai interpretá-lo novamente.”

O Marvel Studios já demonstrou interesse em manter Deadpool e Cable da maneira que estão, já que fizeram sucesso com Ryan Reynolds e Josh Brolin, mas até o momento não anunciou nenhum novo projeto envolvendo esses personagens.

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Watching @joshbrolin bring Cable to life was an obvious thrill, not just for me but for millions of fans that have followed his debut since New Mutants #87. Cable is the face of two blockbuster franchises at Marvel, his own best selling line over the past 28 years and the record shattering X-Force. I get asked repeatedly about when we will see Josh as Cable again, and my hope is that Marvel Studios will launch one of their favorite sons, Josh, as well as one of their most popular characters into a solo franchise much sooner than later. As a character Cable has outsold any comic book by Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, Black Widow, The Eternals, even Iron Man. The character has lined the toy aisles for 28 years, non-stop. The character, as part of the Deadpool universe, made it safely across and into the Disney fold. He’s a time traveler to boot, ripe for expanded tales of his rich history. And long time fans are aware of the unique opportunities that fulfilling the extent of role presents. I’ve spoken on numerous occasions to Josh about his passion to go deeper into the complexities of CABLE. If there is any doubt about wether he’s game to play Cable again, just ask him. Plus, he’s told me he’s going to get even more “jacked” and swole for his next outing! If you’re in Seattle for @acecomiccon, grab his #cableswole gear! #cable #robliefeld #xforce #marvel

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